Common Injuries

Texas Car Accidents

Common Injuries

Car accidents can produce a wide variety of injuries and complications, but there are several specific injuries and ailments that are common to the car accident world and especially healthcare professionals who treat these types of injuries. Read through this page and get a simplified understanding of common car accident injuries and symptoms and be on the lookout for identifying if you suffer from any of these ailments after your Texas car accident. It may be the first crucial step in getting you the treatment and compensation you deserve.

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are one of the most common types of injuries in car accidents due to the sudden change of movement in the vehicle.  The force of the impact is almost always unexpected, causing the neck to jerk forward and/or backwards while absorbing the energy transferred between the vehicles in the collision. Everything from sprains to ruptured discs to even fractures can occur to your neck during an accident.

Neck injuries can be painful, debilitating, and in many cases extremely serious. It’s important that you receive proper treatment as soon as possible for any kind of neck injury sustained in an accident. Texas Car Accidents has access to a network of doctors who are specialized in this area of injury, and will even agree to get paid through your case compensation when you successfully pursue your car accident injury claim. Click Show More to see common neck injuries and symptoms and see if these match any of your post-accident injuries.

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Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries are somewhat common in car accidents. Typically, shoulder injuries are sustained from the driver having their hands on the steering wheel or dash upon impact, and the force of the impact causes the arms to jolt backwards into the shoulder regions. Additionally, the pure energy itself that transfers during impact is enough to cause significant injuries to the shoulders.

Undiagnosed or untreated shoulder injuries can result in a host of pains, ailments, annoyances, and decreases in quality of life. It’s important if either of your shoulders have been affected by an accident that you receive immediate medical attention by trained specialists to start focused treatment and rehab. Texas Car Accidents has access to a network of doctors who are specialized in this area of injury, and will even agree to get paid through your case compensation when you successfully pursue your car accident injury claim. Click Show More to see common shoulder injuries and symptoms and see if these match any of your post-accident injuries.

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Back Injuries

Back injuries are one of the most common types of injuries as a result of car accidents. The force of the impact from the accident violently twists and jerks the body within the vehicle, causing the back and spine to absorb tremendous amounts of energy from the collision and potentially causing serious injury.

Back injuries need to be taken seriously, regardless of what level of pain you’re currently experiencing. If you have damaged any part of the structure of your back and don’t take the proper steps to receiving necessary treatment, it’s a slippery slope to developing chronic pain, immobility, and nerve damage. Texas Car Accidents has access to a network of doctors who are specialized in this area of injury, and will even agree to get paid through your case compensation when you successfully pursue your car accident injury claim. Click Show More to see common back injuries and symptoms and see if these match any of your post-accident injuries.

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Head Injuries

Even with the highly-advanced safety technology that exists in today’s vehicles, head injuries are still all too common in car accidents. Most commonly, head injuries are sustained from a neck injury that sends radiating pain to the head. But it’s also typical to suffer head injuries from striking something during the accident impact, such as the steering wheel, dashboard, and even windows.

Unlike other injuries, head injury symptoms can manifest very differently from regular pain or discomfort. It’s not uncommon to suffer from after-affects like dizziness, vertigo, nausea, mood swings, and many other symptoms of brain trauma, all of which can significantly diminish your quality of life and need to be treated and accounted for by physical and mental healthcare professionals. Texas Car Accidents has access to a network of doctors who are specialized in this area of injury, and will even agree to get paid through your case compensation when you successfully pursue your car accident injury claim. Click Show More to see common head injuries and symptoms and see if these match any of your post-accident injuries.

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Knee/Foot/Leg Injuries

In higher-impact accidents, knees, feet, and legs can often take the brunt of the traumatic force of the crash. Crumpled front ends and side damage to vehicles can result in lower body injuries from impact against the dashboard or the space around the legs collapsing and crushing. Additionally, further lower body injuries can be sustained in more severe wrecks where victims are thrown from the vehicle upon impact.

Knee, foot, and leg injuries need to be treated seriously and quickly. Untreated, they can quickly become chronic issues that have progressively negative effects on other areas of your body due to compensating for pain or discomfort while standing and walking. And in more serious cases like fractures and tears, it’s vitally important to receive treatment from trained specialists and physical therapists. Texas Car Accidents has access to a network of doctors who are specialized in this area of injury, and will even agree to get paid through your case compensation when you successfully pursue your car accident injury claim. Click Show More to see common knee/foot/leg injuries and symptoms and see if these match any of your post-accident injuries.

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Hand & Arm Injuries

Hands and arms are frequently affected in car accidents. Our default response in the moment of impact is to brace ourselves for safety and protection, and in the process our extremities frequently absorb the majority of force and shock, resulting in any number of injuries and complications. Additionally, more severe injuries can be sustained in cases where victims are thrown from the vehicle during a wreck.

It’s unwise and almost impossible to “tough it out” with hand and arm injuries. Prolonged discomfort and full/partial loss of functionality can impact your day-to-day life in ways you can’t even fathom, leaving you with no recourse but to receive important treatment and make sure all your pain and suffering is accounted for. Texas Car Accidents has access to a network of doctors who are specialized in this area of injury, and will even agree to get paid through your case compensation when you successfully pursue your car accident injury claim. Click Show More to see common hand/arm injuries and symptoms and see if these match any of your post-accident injuries.

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Additional Injuries

Our bodies are complex organisms made up of many different parts, and all of those parts can be injured and affect our daily lives in an endless variety of ways. There are a multitude of less common yet severe injuries that can be sustained in an accident, and all of them potentially require professional treatment from experienced care providers.

If you’ve been injured in a Texas Car Accident, no matter where you have pain or how seemingly minor it may be, it’s always a good idea to get checked by a healthcare professional who is experienced in dealing with injuries sustained in an accident. And connected to your claim, proper documentation of those injuries and their respective treatment is instrumental in receiving compensation for your pain and suffering. Texas Car Accidents has access to a network of doctors who are specialized in car accident injuries, and will even agree to get paid through your case compensation when you successfully pursue your car accident injury claim. Click Show More to see additional car accident injuries and symptoms and see if these match any of your post-accident injuries.

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Do you or did you experience any physical pain in any way from this accident?

Did the other driver admit fault or were they placed at fault by law enforcement or insurance company?

Does the at-fault driver in the accident have auto insurance?

What type of accident were you involved in?

What is your contact info & the date of the accident?

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