Accident Statistics

Texas Car Accidents

Accident Statistics

Your car accident case is unique. The fact that you were in an accident is not. Car accidents are a troublingly common occurrence in Texas, and if you’ve been in an accident, chances are you can find a statistic on this list that is relevant to your situation. If you haven’t been in an accident, you can use this info to take note of commonalities and protect yourself even further while on the road.

Texas Car Accidents



All the statistics shown below reflect the 2019 Texas Department of Transportation facts. We decided to use 2019 numbers, as that is the most recent data available that hasn’t been skewed by the lockdown effects of COVID-19. These statistics will present more realistic numbers to compare to today.


  • 1 reportable Accident occurred every 56 seconds
  • 1 person was Injured in an Accident every 2 minutes and 3 seconds 
  • 1 person was killed every 2 hours and 25 minutes 
  • 3,623 people were killed in auto accidents
  • Failure to control speed accidents are the highest type of accident with 142,357
  • There was not a single day where someone did not die on Texas roads
  • 15,855 people sustained a serious injury while in an auto accident 
  • 256,797 people were injured in auto accidents
  • Annual miles driven by Texas drivers increased 2.15% from 2018



  • 51.67 % of fatalities in accidents happened in rural areas
  • Houston Police handled the most accidents with 63,234   
  • Bexar County had the most distracted driving accidents with 23,553
  • Harris County had the most construction zone accidents with 2,775
  • Harris County had the most DUI accidents with 3,632
  • Houston had the most DUI accidents with 2,445
  • Dallas had the most speeding accidents for a city with 2,552
  • Harris County, Texas had the most deaths involving an accident by county with 129
  • Harris County, Texas had the most accidents by county in Texas with 114,327
  • Houston, Texas had the most accidents by city in Texas with 68,932



  • December 20th had more accidents than any other day with 2,523
  • December was the deadliest month with 337 people killed in auto accidents
  • October had more accidents than any other month with 51,833
  • Friday in November had more accidents than any other day with 9,803
  • 5PM to 6PM had more accidents than any other hour with 46,176
  • Friday from 4PM to 5PM had the most accidents than any other day and time
  • Friday had more accidents than any other day with 94,705
  • Memorial Day weekend had more deaths involving accidents than any other Holiday with 44
  • Majority of accidents happened during the daytime with 383,933
  • Majority of accidents happened during clear/cloudy days with 502,765
  • Dry conditions had the most accidents with 115,380



  • 22 year olds had the most deaths from accidents at 61
  • 72.75% of deaths from accidents were male
  • 28 year old women had the most deaths in accidents for women with 17
  • 22 year old men had the most deaths in accidents for men with 47
  • 19 year olds caused the most accidents 28,307
  • 21-25 year olds had the most DUI accidents with 183
  • 21 year olds had the most deaths during a DUI accident with 44



  • 1,172 deaths were made up of single vehicle accidents
  • 735 people were killed in auto accidents at intersections 
  • 597 people were killed in head on collisions
  • 42.38% of people who were killed in auto accidents were not restrained
  • 413 motorcyclists were killed in auto accidents 
  • 45% of people in motorcycle deaths were not wearing helmets 
  • 661 pedestrians were killed in auto accidents 
  • Pedestrians killed in auto accidents increased by 5.09% from 2018
  • 68 people on bicycles died in auto accidents


Do you or did you experience any physical pain in any way from this accident?

Did the other driver admit fault or were they placed at fault by law enforcement or insurance company?

Does the at-fault driver in the accident have auto insurance?

What type of accident were you involved in?

What is your contact info & the date of the accident?

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