Texas Car Accidents Blog

Get the Police Officers information after a car accident | Car Accident Tips

Having the Police Officer’s information after a car accident may prove to be CRUCIAL in your case 🚔

I have lost count with the amount of times a client did not know the Police Officer’s information for their car accident. Sometimes this is not a big concern but there are plenty of times where it is.

Here are a few reason why you want to make sure you get the Police Officer’s information:

1. For starters, if you don’t know it, and need it, you now have to call around different Police phone lines to see if you can track down what station the Officer works at and what is their name. This usually takes a good amount of time to complete which pushes back getting the information you need.

2. Do you know the insurance of the at fault driver? I handle cases everyday where the client does not know who the at fault driver’s insurance is. When this happens we have to wait for the Police report to find out(which could be 10-14 days) or start calling around to see if we can track down the Officer to give it to us. If you have the Officer’s information already, you may be able to get him or her to give you the insurance information before the report is available.

3. Some Accident reports are not correct and so you need to reach out to the Officer to see if they are willing to change it. Having their information on hand will make this possibility much easier.

If you have any further questions or would like a free case evaluation answer 5 questions on our website and I will personally call you to help you the best I can with no strings attached. #caraccident #carcrashpolice #policeofficer #policecrash #texascaraccidents


Do you or did you experience any physical pain in any way from this accident?

Did the other driver admit fault or were they placed at fault by law enforcement or insurance company?

Does the at-fault driver in the accident have auto insurance?

What type of accident were you involved in?

What is your contact info & the date of the accident?

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