Texas Car Accidents Blog

Handling a car accident claim without a Lawyer vs having one

Can you handle your car accident claim on your own?

Sure. Absolutely.

Of course you can handle your car accident claim on your own, but how successful will you be?

Well, to find that out, let’s bullet point all of the makings of a successful case and then you can ask yourself if you are able to do what is necessary to have a case like that.

  • 100% liability acceptance against the at fault driver
  • Any possible witness statements notarized to add more weight to the acceptance
  • Any possible video evidence to add more weight to the acceptance
  • Background check against the at fault driver to add more weight to acceptance
  • Driving history of the at fault driver to add more weight to the acceptance
  • Legally show how the Texas transportation code puts the at fault driver at fault
  • Confirm all possible insurance policies
  • Say and do all the proper things with the insurance adjuster
  • Refrain from saying and doing all of the wrong things with the insurance adjuster
  • Receive the proper medical treatment that is considered reasonable to Texas Law
  • Receive proper medical treatment from a Doctor who understands the car accident industry
  • Make sure all referrals to any other Doctors are made in a timely manner
  • Make sure all medical records are documented properly and linked together with other Doctors
  • Make sure all of the bills were billed properly
  • Make sure all of your Doctors know your injury history so they can properly document the accident
  • Receive treatment from Doctors who agree to get paid back through the case
  • Prepare a proper demand letter for the insurance company
  • Highlight all of the Texas laws and categories of compensation that back up your case
  • Know the value of your case based upon past court room verdicts
  • Know how to add more value
  • Know how to negotiate with the Insurance adjuster
  • Know when the Insurance adjuster is lying
  • Know when it’s time to settle and when it’s time to file a lawsuit
  • Have a successful history of doing car accident claims so the insurance company is intimidated
  • Know how to properly reduce your medical bills

You see there are many reasons why there are so many personal injury car accident lawyers everywhere you go and the primary reason why is most of the general public cannot successfully do all of the above. The general public may be able to do some of the things above, but even the ones who can, still don’t have a successful car accident case history that the insurance company can be threatened by.

There are many more things I can say to you here, but I would rather speak to you over the phone. Answer 5 questions on our home page and I will personally reach out to you to answer any questions you may have and let you know how we can help.


Do you or did you experience any physical pain in any way from this accident?

Did the other driver admit fault or were they placed at fault by law enforcement or insurance company?

Does the at-fault driver in the accident have auto insurance?

What type of accident were you involved in?

What is your contact info & the date of the accident?

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